Luke 12:34 NKJV
Whatever it is that we treasure or value, that is where we
will commit our passion and our resources. What I wonder and hope to explore in
this blog post is whether the church, institutionally and individually, has
compromised its values in favor of value. In other words, have we gone silent
or absent from the national discussion on things related to our core values,
belief system, moral imperatives in favor of gaining greater financial relief,
assistance or some perceived racial justice? Where is the heart of the church?
To answer that, we must explore where the treasure of the church lies and what
does it value.
To some extent, this will be a political discussion and
exploration. And yes, I have my own personal political persuasion (Fiscal
Moderate & Social Conservative in case you’re interested), but my objective
is not to necessarily change or alter your own particular political
affiliation. There is no perfect political party; they all have their strengths
and weaknesses. Whether Republican, Democrat or Independent, it is incumbent
upon us to understand what we value or treasure and the impact that has on our
values and choices.
Individual Church
Individuals make up the church. No different than
individuals make up corporations, government, etc. It is easy for us sometimes
to demonize organizations and institutions as corrupt, greedy, insensitive,
etc. But the truth of the matter is that we are really being critical of the
individuals that make up those organizations and institutions. So in this
discussion on Values vs. Value, we will first take a look at individuals within
the church community.
Keep in mind; depending on which statistics you look at, 50%
to 80% of Americans consider themselves to be Christian. George Barna in his
book “Grow Your Church from the Outside In” puts the number of American’s that
believe in God at 95%! (The Barna Research Group in California does a really
good job of compiling statistics, analyzing their results and suggesting
balanced interpretations of the data.) You would expect, given such a high
percentage of Christians, that most Americans would find things of moral
relevance significant in their decision making, very similar to how Jesus
determined His priorities. However, I’m not sure that recent political outcomes
reflect this value system.
In the latest National elections held in November 2012, we
voted to legalize the recreational use of behavior altering drugs (Marijuana)
and same sex marriages in many states. We the people have historically voted to
legalize the early termination of unwanted pregnancies (abortions) remove any
reference to God from public buildings and outlawed prayer from public schools.
In exchange for what I believe/hope most Christians would
agree are positions that Jesus would not advocate, we have been provided things
like National Health Care (which I am not opposed to by the way), Tax
reductions, the proverbial check in the mail signed by the federal government
and paid for by working, tax paying citizens and the like. We have received
financial gains in exchange for allowing social immoralities to flourish. What
we have said, loud and clear, is that we treasure value more than values.
Generally speaking, the same people, politicians, political
party that brought us the influx of social services, government spending
increases, “help for the poor people”, also brought us abortions, same sex
marriages, took prayer out of public schools, etc. What I don’t get is why are
we so shocked when these social issues are passed into law?
It’s not like they bait and switched us. They told us up
front, they were “Pro-Choice”, that they supported same sex marriages, that
they were in favor of legalizing the recreational use of marijuana. In order to
get tax breaks extended, expanded social services, higher taxes on the wealthy
and lower taxes on everyone else, core values on social issues that should be
important to Christians were compromised. We knew that going in, yet that is
how we voted. We chose value over values. So why are we shocked and dismayed,
this is how we voted.
It could be argued that there are no clear choices and that
our vote for a candidate or political party does not reflect our full value
system. I would agree. However, what do we use as a tie breaker? What do we put
greater weight to in making these determinations? When we have to choose
between our values and the value created by certain candidates who support undesirable
social issues, what drives our voting decisions?
I have heard justifications for voting decisions supporting
values over value ranging from racial motives wanting an African American
President no matter what, to financial motives looking for help with their Home
Mortgages, Student Loans, Welfare support etc. It’s not that the other moral or
social considerations are not important, just that finally getting an African
American President or financial support is more important. That’s where our
treasure is located.
In Washington State, there were 2 major arguments I heard by
Christians in support of the legalization of Marijuana and it further
illustrates where our heart and treasures lie. One argument was that African
Americans were disproportionately incarcerated because of Marijuana related
crimes and that by legalizing its use, it would reduce the number of African
Americans in jail. We treasure our racial affiliation. The second argument was
that by legalizing the recreational use of Marijuana, it could be taxed and the
revenue generated from the tax could help fund more government programs. We
treasure our social services.
While this may not be true of all Christians, I believe it is a fair characterization that many Christians have placed value over values. We have placed as a higher priority in our lives things of material value over things of eternal value. I hope this blog post helps to bring this unpleasant reality to the forefront of our minds and causes us to do some introspection on our personal value systems and core beliefs. I pray that we are moved and driven by those values important to Christ and not value as is common to secular society. I’m not suggesting Christians have intentionally and certainly not maliciously intended to behave this way, but can’t help but wonder if that is the net result of our actions.
Institutional Church
Organizations and institutions are an extension of their
membership and leadership. Consequently, what we see in individual behavior we
should expect to see in institutional behavior. I believe this is also true
when we compare the institutional churches values vs. value, though perhaps
evidenced in different ways.
Politically, the institutional church has been largely
silenced in favor of preferential financial treatment. In exchange for a Tax
free environment, the institutional church does not speak out against political
parties or candidates and often does not take a formal position on many
political issues. This, largely out of fear that if they do, they could
jeopardize their tax-exempt status and subject their often incredibly large
revenues (contributions made to the church) to various taxes. Again, choosing
value over values.
In fact, just recently I saw a bumper sticker that read, “If religious groups want to involve themselves in political discussions, let them pay taxes.” This illustrates how many people believe the institutional church should behave; that we should remain silent on political issues and if we don’t we will have our tax exempt status revoked. Never mind the fact that the congregations of these churches pay taxes, the leadership of these churches pay taxes and that much of properly run and managed churches revenues go to support community needs. (In case you didn’t know it before, let me make it unambiguously clear now… I have no intentions of being silenced!)
However, this is just one area in which the institutional
church may be compromising values in favor of value. So much of operating and
managing a church resembles operating and managing any secular business
venture. And in large part they are very similar. Businesses and churches need
to generate enough revenues to cover their expenses or they will cease to
exist. Both businesses and churches have to protect themselves from frivolous
lawsuits and other forms of liability exposure. They each must provide a
service deemed valuable to a customer base or risk not having enough business
to remain viable. Businesses and churches do not function on their own, it
takes talented staff to operate both and those staffs need to be fairly
compensated. The church has an added benefit because of the wealth of talented
individuals who lend their skills and abilities to the church through their
volunteer efforts.
There is a key difference however, between the motivation of
the church and that of secular businesses. This key difference is often
forgotten or buried into the deep recesses of thought when many churches
conduct their business. The motivation of the secular business is to generate a
profit acceptable to it owners and/or shareholders. The motivation of the
church is to minister the gospel and serve the community. For the church,
financial resources are a means to an end, they help to facilitate ministry. In
the secular business world financial resources are the end themselves, that’s
why the company is in business. While many of the actions taken by the church
and secular businesses are the same, their motivations are not. This is where
we can see if the institutional church has compromised values for value.
For example, does the socio-economic status of individuals
come into play when determining who has access to the church leadership, the
level of influence in shaping church decisions, preferred seating and/or
parking, etc.? I understand it takes financial resources to operate a church,
but would you deny services offered by the church to those who cannot afford to
pay for them? If you are not a tithe paying member of the church, can you get
ministry from that church? Is the only way to get a book, copy of a message or bible
study is to pay for it?
I’m not suggesting that people that can pay for these things
shouldn’t. It takes financial resources to operate a church and everyone affiliated
with their local church should do their part to help it operate with
excellence. In fact, in the 1st Century church established by the
Apostles, everyone in that particular church community funded the gospel by
contributing all of their worth to the cause. (Acts 2:44 – 45) Those who could
contribute, but chose to try to withhold from contributing their fair share faced
life threatening consequences. (Acts 5:1 – 11) You wouldn’t have a functioning
church in our current society for very long if you didn’t have capable individuals
supporting the church’s efforts with their financial resources.
However, we can get so caught up into value that we lose
sight of values… so consumed with financing and funding ministry that we forget
about ministry. Keep in mind, the reason for a church service on Sunday morning
is not to raise money, it’s to minister the gospel and serve the community.
When we dominate the service with offerings, fund raising, selling items, etc.
we have compromised values for value. The conference is intended to bring
ministry to those in attendance. And while it costs to put on the conference
and attendees may have to pay to attend, the rate should be determined and
driven by the costs to hold the conference and not by a desire to make a name
for oneself or live the life of celebrity.
I am not opposed to wealth or wealthy people; I just don’t believe it is healthy for the individual or institutional church for that wealth to be gained on the backs of those you are called to serve. 1 million people giving a dollar is a lot different than expecting 1 thousand people to give 1 thousand dollars.
Can Do Better
I believe individually and institutionally the church can do
better. Individually, we can be diligent and conscientious about our choices,
understanding that they provide insight into what we value. Sometimes, we may
have to have a harder go of it materially in order to take a stronger stand on
things socially. While it may not be on the top of any of our lists of most
enjoyable things to do, if it becomes necessary to make adjustments to our
lifestyle or standard of living to support issues Christ would support, then so
be it!
We cannot look to our political or governmental elected
officials as saviors. Yes, we have a responsibility to vote and select the
candidates who best represents our total interests. No, there will never be a
candidate that represents all of our interests equally or well. However, when
at a crossroads values should trump value in our selection.
In the meantime, our efforts should be to actively address
the social and economic issues that plague our community. But we should address
them in a manner that will not compromise our values. We will not have to worry
about a disproportionate number of African Americans being incarcerated for
drugs or any other crime for that matter if we are effective in addressing what
lies at the core of African American criminal behavior. Passionately and
skillfully addressing things like single parent homes, dysfunctional dual
parent homes, the proliferation of alcoholism and drug addiction, the
sexualization of women, education support, etc. (Coincidentally, this is true
beyond the African American community)
If we eliminate the drug customer, the drug dealer will go
out of business and all of the ills associated with them. If we can address the
issues that cause people to want to escape reality or cope with the harshness
of life through drugs and alcohol, we will not have to worry about the
legalization of recreational marijuana use. If we can effectively combat unwed
pregnancies & sexual promiscuity, promote personal responsibility and accountability
abortion laws will not matter because there will be no one seeking abortions.
Prostitution would not be a viable source of income if there
were no John’s patrolling the streets looking to pay for their sexual
gratifications. If we can positively influence men to control their impulses,
view women as more than objects to fulfill their sexual appetites, we wouldn’t
have an issue with prostitution. If we could help these desperate women extract
the value invested in them by their creator, they would find alternative
sources of income and eliminate the supply of willing participants for the John’s
advances. Again, this would eliminate or at least reduce the challenges
communities face with prostitution.
I understand that much of this may sound idealistic and
admittedly it probably is. But that is the genesis of radical societal change.
There must be an idea so profoundly different than what the current norm is,
that its adoption results in prolific change. This is where our heart and
treasure should be. This is what we should value. Putting our financial and
human resources, our talents and abilities, our passion and desires towards
those immaterial elements of life that reflect the values so passionately
pursed by Christ. We can do better individually and institutionally.
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Values
vs. Value, which one is driving you?
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